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Jumat, 15 November 2013

Curiculum Vitae

Dosen : Ms. Ainun Fadhila

BIMA LAKSANA PUTRA                                                                         

Address  :   Perum Bumi Mas Indah Jedong Blok U2
                  NO. 18 RT : 02 RW : 07 Jedong, Kec. Wagir, Kab. Malang
Phone     :  08970446665
Email      :

·         Place/Date of Birth   : Malang/ Juli, 10th 1994
·         Sex                                      : Male
·         Marital Status           : Single
·         Religion                    : Islam
·         Nationality                : Indonesia
·         Language                  : English, Bahasa Indonesia

FORMAL EDUCATION                                                                                                                 

2000 -- 2006                  SDN Mulyorejo 4 Malang.                                         (Elementary School)
2006 -- 2009                  SMPI Ma’arif 02 Malang.                                          (Junior High School)
2009 -- Present              SMK Negeri 11 Malang.                                           (Vocational High School)

2010 – 2011                  Member of Swimming Pool SMKN 11 Malang.
2010                             Member of Edu Game SMKN 11 Malang.
2010 – 2011                  Member of OSIS SMKN 11 Malang.
2011 – 2012                  Member of Scout CONDRODIMUKO SMKN 11 Malang.


2009                             Ma’arif Computer Course (MCC).                                  (Certificate)

2010                             Tamaganda Enterpreneur Consultant.                            (Certificate)

2010                             Job Training in LAPAS Wanita Kelas II A Malang.           (Certificate)

2010                             Job Training in Gading Mandiri Computer A Malang.        (Certificate)

2011                             Giat Prestasi Tegak Dega Kota Malang.                         (Certificate) r

2012                             Seameo Regional Open Learning Centre.                       (Certificate)

2013                             Seamolec – Goethe Institute Android Programing.           (Certificate)

2013                             Sertifikasi Junior Programing BPRTIK.                           (Certificate) e




Operating System             :     Windows and Linux .

Computer Software           :     Microsoft Office, Internet, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, MySql, NetBeans, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Eclipse etc.

Competency                     :     Software Engineering.

Other                               :     Maintain Computer, Repair Computer, Re-Install Computer, Programming , Web Programming, Database Programming, etc.

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